When to Call 999

Please always call 999 if someone is seriously ill or injured and their life is at risk..
Genuine, life-threatening emergencies includes [but is not limited to]:
- Chest pain / breathing difficulties / heart attack
- Stroke
- Severe bleeding
- Severe allergic reactions
- Severe burns or scalds
- Serious head injuries
- Major trauma such as a road traffic accident or a fall from height
Which service should I access?
- Self-care – for things like grazed knees, coughs, and colds
- Pharmacy – visit your local pharmacy for headaches, upset stomachs, aches and pains
- NHS 111 – visit online or call 111 for advice and support 24 hours a day, seven days a week
- GP – call your GP for symptoms that won’t go away
- Minor injuries unit – attend your local minor injuries unit for urgent non-life-threatening conditions and injuries such as sprains, fractures, and burns
- 999 – call 999 for life-threatening emergencies such as cardiac arrest, loss of consciousness, fits that aren’t stopping, chest pain, breathing difficulties, severe bleeding, severe allergic reactions, suspected stroke, and serious head injuries.